An Interview with artist Bernardo Fleming
Artist, scent designer and creative manager for one of the biggest perfume companies in the world, Bernardo Fleming often dreams in scents. In 2021, he presented his installation Dreaming in Smell at The Institute for Art and Olfaction in Los Angeles, in which four scented linen sprays interpreted four of Fleming’s dreams…
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What Blind People Dream About
Even if they dream without seeing, people with congenital blindness have dreams as intense as those of sighted people. Their dreams however, are overflowing with smells, tastes, sounds and tactile and proprioceptive sensations!
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What is Olfactory Dreaming?
While some people have long reported smelling things while asleep without any external stimuli, the mechanisms at stake in olfactory dreaming still remain largely mysterious. How do we dream of smells? And why don’t we all?
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Olfactory Cues in Dream-inspired Paintings (Part II)
Painters have always been fond of dreamlike representations. Dreams and nightmares indeed make wonderful subjects for artists, who sometimes slip in olfactory cues.
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Olfactory Cues in Dream-inspired Paintings (Part I)
Painters have always been fond of dreamlike representations. Dreams and nightmares indeed make wonderful subjects for artists, who sometimes slip in olfactory cues.
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Smell in Non-western Cultures
Did you know that in some parts of the world – especially in tropical regions, where odors are stronger and more diverse – smells have significant sociocultural and cosmological roles?
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Why Do Mammals Smell? A Sense for Survival
From navigating their environment to seeking sustenance, deciphering social cues, and avoiding potential threats, olfaction plays a multifaceted and indispensable role in the lives of mammals, dictating many of their most important behaviors.
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What Life is Like Without Smell
While we all know what blindness or deafness is, the loss of our chemical senses seems to inspire less fear. It nevertheless constitutes a profound and underestimated handicap.
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Flowery Dreams in Films
Filmmaking has always been conducive to exploring the human psyche and dreams are undoubtedly among the most captivating themes for filmmakers.
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A Fragrant Dream Diary (Part III)
In this series, discover the dream diary of a character whose dreams are regularly crossed by scents, and through her entries, wander in the mysterious unconscious of an olfactory dreamer.
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Smelling in utero
Did you know that the sense of smell is one of the first senses to be fully functional in the fetus? We can smell well before we are born, and our first olfactory preferences are forged in our mother’s womb !
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A Fragrant Dream Diary (Part II)
In this series, discover the dream diary of a character whose dreams are regularly crossed by scents, and through her entries, wander in the mysterious unconscious of an olfactory dreamer.
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A Fragrant Dream Diary (Part I)
In this series, discover the dream diary of a character whose dreams are regularly crossed by scents, and through her entries, wander in the mysterious unconscious of an olfactory dreamer.
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Fragrant dreams: when poetry smells
The metaphorical scents dreamed up by poets remind us that dreams are not only distant images born from the depths of our sleeping mind, but living worlds where all of our senses are awake.
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The Proustian Effect
The unique phenomenon of olfactory recollection, long empirically observed before being explained, operates as a well-known leitmotif in literature and a commonplace in any conversation about olfaction. But do you know how it works?
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The Yoga of Sleep and Dreams
Tibetan Tantrism recognizes the usefulness of lucid dreams as a tool for accessing the Awakening. With assiduous practice, the yogi not only becomes aware of the similarity between life and dreams, but can also manipulate his dreams.
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Once upon a dream: the fairy tale comparison
It is said that the dream and the fairy tale have much in common. They share a powerful mythical and symbolic base. They speak an illogical yet rich and insightful language.
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What Dreams Are Made Of
On this site, we are going to talk to you about dreams, smells and perfumes. But to begin with, it was essential to talk to you about the nature of dreams and the matter that composes them, both impalpable and persistent. Definition.
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The Meaning of Dreams
From ancient times to the latest advances in science, through psychoanalysis, men have always sought to understand and interpret the content of their dreams.
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